Email ASAP

Email Authentication, Security and Protection (ASAP) provides organizations an easy way to support, monitor and mitigate email security concerns.

The software delivers a robust solution to help companies quickly adopt the latest protocols: DMARC, DKIM, SPF, BIMI, MTA-STS and TLS.

Get Started

Authenticated, Secured and Protected Email

Defend Against Fraud and Scams

Layer your email's baked-in protection tools with security software to maximize your BEC defense.

Brand Protection

After the initial setup, we continually use email threat intelligence including generative AI, to help ensure that only legitimate emails are sent from your domain. Designed to protect your company and brand.

Inbox Deliverability

By securing and authenticating your email, mail servers have more certainty in delivering your message to the right place.

Monthly Pricing

$100 /mth
(includes 100k emails)
Automated DMARC deployment, human-readable DMARC reports, and continuous monitoring
Prevent Spoofed, Impersonated Emails
Brand Protection by Authenticating Email
Improved Inbox Email Deliverability
Threat Intelligence System & Dashboard
Standards & Compliance
Tracking, Monitoring & Reporting
Easy Setup & Configuration